Mushroom Rock
A pretty 5 acre state park west of Salina. Several rock formations and a pleasant walk among them. Wind is picking up again, keeping us cool in the 90 degree and rising heat.
Another small town along the way that is trying hard to push what few assets it has left to attract attention. It’s sad to see small town, mid-west America, fading into oblivion. I talk with a lot of proud people who describe an existence one step above desperation. Maybe only a half step. These are the people, along with manufacturing workers, who have taken the brunt of 30 years of globalization, BIG business, and the current administration’s policies. The only way they are going down easy, is if you pump more drugs and alcohol into their young.
Fence Post Country
Due to a shortage of wood, and an abundance of limestone – fenceposts were carved of limestone. Each post weighs between 300 to 400 pounds. That must have been fun work in the 100 degree heat – dig a hole – plant a post – move to next – repeat.
Garden of Eden
Sure was full of scary sculpture made from concrete – 2,300 or so bags of concrete. Even more incredible, at 81 the sculptor married a 20 year old gal and fathered 2 children. He died at 84, probably while trying to add number 3 to the clan.
Thanks for the recommend, Kara.
Center of the 48 States
This is the center of the contiguous 48 states. The center of North America is about 20 miles south of this point. We are almost halfway in our journey. Tomorrow EM’s back on the bike and we’ll be saying goodbye to Kansas and hello to Nebraska very soon.
Floods in Yellowstone and winds today of up to 75 miles per hour make it seem like Mama Nature doesn’t approve of our little adventure.
I asked EM to get some heavy rope out of the back of the van as I was preparing to get out to take a picture. She asked, ‘Why?’
‘So I have something to keep me attached to the van if you have to turn it so that I can open a downwind door to get back inside.’
Yes. It felt that bad. I kept getting pushed around by heavy gusts as I tried to take pictures. Look at the flags!