“And on the eighth day, Wodin created Dreki to rule the wild rivers and the ragged spines of mountain tops. Go ye there at great peril to be initiated into their clan. Bring a stout heart, an indominable spirit, and gold.”
— Creation (unknown)
Kaskaskia Dragon
EM has hurt her wrist. Painful for her to move it much less subject it to the rigors of biking 50 to 75 miles per day. We took a break day to rest it and hope that it heals very quickly.
We took a leisurely drive through the back country so EM got a chance to experience the SAG lifestyle. When she said, ‘Is this what you’ve been doing everyday?’ – I wasn’t offended. I’m having a wonderful time. Probably the first time in my life that I’m doing totally as I please, with only a bit of directed purpose.
Be at the rendezvous site, have tasty treats, make something for dinner, procure the listed supplies, fill the water tanks, empty the poo, sweep the floor, fill the gas tank, check the oil, tire pressure, washer fluid, radiator fluid, wash the windows, sit and read, watch a movie, plot a course to the campsite, look for something interesting to blog about, think deep thoughts, think prurient thoughts, remember fun events, curse at some a-hole who barely got back into his lane without crashing headfirst into the van, check the battery charge, fold the bed, sweep the floor (again, it gets dirty a lot), brush my teeth, shower, dump the pee bottle, open the curtains, turn off the chargers, wash cloths, hang cloths to dry, think about dinner, read some more, journal a bit, work on the website, exercise, take a hike, smoke a cigar, have some whiskey, put dry cloths away, talk to some passerby, curse the GPS, play some music, wave at folks I don’t know, draw some pictures, scratch a bug bite, make reservations, visit an attraction……. that’s about how the day goes.
Hope she feels better tomorrow, or the next day, so she can get on with the biking. I enjoy our days together. I enjoy our days apart knowing she is doing what she loves, and I can just…….. be.
Love you, babe! : )